Saltmarsh Dieback:
That narrow ribbon of
marsh between land and sea is dying. What is killing it is still
not fully known. The stress of coastal development, pollution,
sea level rise, warming trends and constricted growing area may
develop stress related pathogens which rot the marsh grass roots
and allow for the hollowing out of the marsh grass roots into
coral like forms.
1. Narrative
2. Salt Marsh Dieback Time
Line Photographs by Joseph Ingoldsby
3. Salt Marsh Dieback by Stephen
Smith, Ph.D. (Download PDF)
4. PowerPoint
Presentation by Stephen Smith, Ph.D. (Download PowerPoint)
5. Vanishing
Landscapes: The Atlantic Salt Marsh Leonardo
MIT Press 42-2 2009
Vanishing Landscapes: Atlantic Salt Marsh Article.
6. Requiem
for a Drowning Landscape -
ORION Magazine - March / April
7. Fragmentation
of the Natural and Cultural Landscape, UW Madison -
June 2009
8. Fish
Tales of the Last Generation - November
9. Vanishing
Landscapes and Endangered Species, Science Exhibitions:
Curation & Design,
Museums etc Press, UK, 2010. (Press Release)
Vanishing Landscapes and Endangered Species Article
10. From
Exploration to Examination to Exhibition of the American
Frontier, 2010
11. Sustainable
Museums - Strategies for the 21st Century (Press Release)
Green Sanctuaries at Mass Audubon (Graphic)
12. Sustainable Solutions
for Biodiversity Loss on Cape Cod